Simple English version A Tragical Romance is an art exhibition put together by Mariana Lemos. Mariana has chronic pain, which means she feels pain almost all the time. Because of this, she thinks a lot about what different bodies can and cannot do. Different bodies have different needs and abilities. This way of thinking is called crip culture. The word crip comes from the word cripple, which some people use in a bad way. But in crip culture, it is used in a good way to talk about the experiences of people with disabilities. The artists in this exhibition—Leah Clements, Rebecca Jagoe, Korallia Stergides, and Marianne Vlaschits—have different experiences of disability. Their art shows how these experiences shape the way they see the world and their bodies. The art in this exhibition talks about love, desire, and intimacy in a way that challenges the view of people without disabilities. It also uses things like water, rocks, ghosts, and animals to show a connection between humans and nature. This art is shown through different forms like photographs, sculptures, paintings, and performances. These pieces talk about deep feelings, like the wish to cross the line between being human and non-human. The exhibition has a Romantic feeling, like the Romantic art and writing from the 19th century, which dealt with big emotions and the beauty and darkness of life. The art talks about sadness, loss, and how fragile life can be, especially for people who live with illness or disability.